About Us

Intermountain Environmental, Inc. (IEI as we are often called), started business January of 1993. IEI represented companies such as Omnidata International, Hydrolab, and Greyline. Over the years, IEI has developed relationships with additional instrumentation manufacturers. This has made it possible to provide a much larger selection of the best environmental instrumentation products available. The majority of the products we provide are for weather (climate) or water resource (ground, surface, waste water, water quality) monitoring.
In 1997 IEI became a distributor of Campbell Scientific (CSI) products and the exclusive Campbell Scientific representative in four Western States. Intermountain Environmental now represents or distributes products from over 30 manufacturers of environmental instrumentation and continues to look for, and to add, products that meet our clients’ expectations in the areas of functionality, reliability, and price.
Intermountain Environmental offers a wide range of data collection, communication, and sensor technologies. The last few years has brought improvements in remote data collection capabilities and costs. We are remote data experts and can help you to select the most appropriate telemetry system for your application and budget. We work with radios (licensed and non-licensed), cellular data, analog phone modems, satellite and TCP/IP networks. We can also combine these different communication options to create advanced networks.
We want to put our experience to work for you. We are dedicated to making your environmental monitoring projects as easy and successful as possible. We value long-term relationships with our customers and hope you will let us assist you with your environmental instrumentation needs.
We provide free phone support for the products we offer and since 1995 we have offered installation, training, calibration, and long-term on-site contract maintenance to our customers. We can provide monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual maintenance for meteorological, hydrological, and SCADA applications. We enjoy getting out in the field and using the instrumentation that we sell, and have done many different projects over the years.
We also enjoy the opportunity to visit personally with our clients. When we are in your area, let us know that you would like a demo or show-and-tell and we can schedule a meeting. Instrumentation products will continue to change, but we hope that the relationships that we develop will continue over many years. We appreciate our clients and all they do to help us be successful.