Flood & Weather Warning Systems
Warning systems have been installed throughout the world. These systems are designed to alert local governments or other groups that there is a pending or current disaster. This can be due to high water, high amounts of rain or snow, flooding, damage to critical structures and a variety of other applications. Most common are flood warning systems, lightning warning, storm warning and similar environmental events.
We can help provide warning systems for just about any environmental event:
- Flood Warning – Precipitation – Custom Systems & ALERT Hybrid
- Canal, River, Reservoir or Lake High or Low Level
- Lightning Warning
- RAWS – Fire Danger or Fire Monitoring
- RWIS – Road Weather Information Systems
- Dust Storms – Visibility
- Wind and other weather related warning systems

Red Rock Canyon flood detection system.
We can design, sell and install any of the above types of systems. We can also contract with your group to maintain your current systems no matter the brand, type or age. We can expand current systems by integrating the equipment that we use most often (Campbell Scientific).
Contact us for more information, we are happy to provide a no obligation consultation.