Weather Stations & Climate Monitoring
We offer a variety of monitoring stations to collect weather and climate data. Along with these stations we have a broad selection of weather and climate sensors and remote data telemetry options.
We can provide every component you need, including aluminum towers, tripods, batteries, solar panels, charging regulators, radios, instrument enclosures, and anything else needed to create your monitoring system.
We also have a variety of all-in-one stations, which are compact and easy to install. These are weather sensors that have multiple parameters built into one sensor body. A few of these compact systems are listed below.
We have over 25 years of experience selling, supporting and installing weather monitoring systems and sensors. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your monitoring needs.
Contact us at your convenience.
Common Weather & Climate Monitoring Sensors
- Wind Speed & Direction
- Air Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Solar Radiation
- Precipitation (rain or snow)
- Barometric Pressure
- Soil Moisture
- Soil Temperature
- Fuel Moisture / Fuel Temp (RAWS)
- Visibility (Present Weather)
Weather Stations
Campbell Scientific manufacturers systems that are research grade and can be customized in many ways to meet your monitoring needs.
From single research weather stations to mesoscale weather networks (mesonets), Campbell Scientific systems have become the worldwide standard for climate monitoring. These stations are part of forecasting and monitoring systems worldwide. Accurate measurement, low power requirement, and proven reliability in extreme weather conditions make the Campbell Scientific weather stations ideal for all types of meteorological and climatological monitoring anywhere on earth.
Onset (HOBO) weather stations are research-grade, and are also very customizable. Onset sells a wide variety of sensors that can be used in weather and agricultural monitoring, and 3rd-party sensors can often be integrated. Onset weather stations use plug-and-play Smart Sensors, allowing for easy setup and maintenance while in the field. Internet-based data retrieval systems are also available, including cellular and Wi-Fi.
We can help you configure your system, and we can also provide full setup and installation services.
All-in-One Weather Stations
All-in-One weather sensors are often selected for their compact size, price, or ease-of-installation. They are ideal for private or industrial use, and convenient for short-term monitoring projects. We have a variety of all-in-one weather sensors to fit most project needs. These sensors require the purchase of a compatible datalogger.
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